When you get married, any assets you acquire throughout the course of the marriage can be considered community property. That means that in the event of a divorce, your spouse may have a claim to these assets when it comes time to divide them. There are some assets that you or your family might not want your spouse to have access to, such as a family business or an inheritance. Should you find yourself in a situation where you’ve received wealth that you feel for one reason or another should not be subject to community property rules, a postnuptial agreement can be created to protect that asset.
Postnuptial agreements sometimes require both parties to have counsel to ensure no one is being taken advantage of. If you or your spouse are considering making such an agreement, the Austin postnuptial agreement attorneys of Kirker Davis LLP can help you make sure you are receiving a fair deal.
A postnuptial agreement is a lot like the more well-known prenuptial agreement, aside from the one exception that it is signed after the marriage is finalized, rather than before. They can arise at any point in the marriage, meaning a postnuptial agreement can be created or amended at any point during the marriage, often in response to life changes that arise. There are many reasons a couple may seek a postnuptial agreement, some of which include:
Postnuptial agreements have the added benefit of feeling lower-pressure than prenuptial agreements, as a wedding cannot be held hostage if one person does not agree to sign it. For this reason, some couples choose postnuptial agreements over prenuptial. Postnuptial agreements are also popular among couples who have a high net-worth or whose families are wealthy.n prenuptial agreements, as a wedding cannot be held hostage if one person does not agree to sign it. For this reason, some couples choose postnuptial agreements over prenuptial. Postnuptial agreements are also popular among couples who have a high net-worth or whose families are wealthy.
Regardless of your reasoning for seeking a postnuptial agreement, an experienced family law attorney can help you through the complicated process of setting one up.
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Get in touchIf you and your spouse are seeking a postnuptial agreement, the Austin postnuptial agreement lawyers of Kirker Davis LLP can help you every step of the way. Call our offices at (512) 943-7552 today to learn more about how you may be able to benefit from a postnuptial agreement.
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